Complete Story


Helen S. Willis Outstanding Commissioner Award

Donna Tinberg

Planning Commission Chair, City of Northville

Donna Tinberg was appointed to the Northville Planning Commission in 2017.  In 2018, she became the Planning Commission liaison to the Zoning Board of Appeals.  And she has served as chair of the Planning Commission since 2021.  By the numbers, Donna has attended over 110 planning commission meetings, approximately 40 development proposals, 30 ordinance amendments, and 2 master plan updates; with her ZBA hat, she has reviewed 47 ZBA cases, and attended 33 ZBA meetings.  She adheres to and advocates for the following principles:  resident input, predictability in the planning process, adherence to state and municipal law.  She has been a champion of missing middle housing and walkability.  Colleague Andew Krenz said of Donna, "She is a dedicated servant to her neighbors and community that is motivated by dispassionate application of Ordinance and precedent in the spirit of providing substantial justice, even when the right decision can be unpopular, no matter the scale of what’s in front of her."  MAP congratulates Planning Commission Chair Tinberg and thanks her for her planning leadership in Michigan!

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