Memorial Golf Outing

A wonderful golf outing was held on Thursday, June 8th at Ironwood Golf Club in Howell. Thank you to our generous sponsors and donors:

Beverage Cart Sponsor: Carlisle | Wortman Associates, Inc.

Contest Sponsor: McKenna

Breakfast Sponsors:
Beckett & Raeder, Inc.
Wade Trim

Lunch Sponsor:
CIB Planning

Hole Sponsors:
Atwell, LLC
Bauckham, Thall, Seeber, Kaufman & Koches PC
Dollar Bill Copying
Mel Printing
OHM Advisors
Williams & Works

Traverse City Tourism
$300 Traverse City Gift Certificate

Detroit Tigers Tickets
Courtesy of McKenna, four tickets to a Tigers baseball game

Check here to learn more about scholarship opportunities.


Golf includes cart, light breakfast, lunch at the turn, awards dinner, and greens fees.


8:00 a.m. Registration / Driving range
9:00 a.m. Shotgun start
11:00 a.m. Lunch at the turn begins
2:30 p.m. Dinner and awards program


  • Cart, continental breakfast, lunch at the turn, awards dinner, and greens fees
  • Closest-to-pin and longest-drive trophies
  • Hotel package raffle
  • Hole in one contests
  • 50/50 raffle & door prizes
  • Great networking opportunity!

Rain Or Shine | Scramble Format
If you don’t have a foursome, we will team you up with other golfers.

Outing attire: Collared shirts required.